High humidity can lead to corrosion of metal equipment and high bacteria counts that can damage textiles and just plain make everything stink! Hot and humid climates or just rain and sweat can lead to soaked and wet gear. Laying your gear out in the sun can increase damage from excessive ultraviolet light exposure. Even hanging it out in front of a fan does not decrease the humidity that causes corrosion and breeds bacteria and mold. If your climbing harness has become wet from sweat, a quick rinse with clean water will remove salt deposits, followed by a good dry environment such as this storage tub, will protect your gear. This is an inexpensive yet effective way to protect your life-support equipment from these conditions. If you are climbing daily in a very humid environment and sweating profusely, consider a second harness that can be drying while the other is in use and consider a second dehumidifier at the other end of the storage bin.
Video below explains the set-up.
Items needed for this solution.
Large storage bin. I picked up a plastic storage tub large enough for my commonly used climbing equipment. The lids should close and seal. Various options are available from 12.00 – 40.00 USD. The clear option may be a good choice for monitoring the water levels and drainage from the dehumidifier. Suggested options below.